Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chocolate-y Goodness

There is something about a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream (maybe even some sprinkles) that I have always found comforting. I think that warm drinks are inherently nice, but there is something about a big ol' cup of cocoa that really hits the spot.

When I was little, growing up in Alaska, after a long day of playing in the snow with my older brother, my mom would make us both hot cocoa. Nothing can compare to the feeling of being really cold on the outside, but have the hot cocoa warm you up on the inside (its kind of like a warm and fuzzy feeling, more warm and less fuzzy.) Then Mom and I would sit by the window and watch the snow fall in big, white flakes.

*As a side note, I would just like to say that playing in the snow with my older brother totally sucked. He never followed the rules (not that we really had any) and he would always be mean and throw snow balls at me, or white wash me so I would run in the house crying. Older brothers can be such jerks growing up. I'm glad he's nice now.

Anyway, back to hot chocolate. Another instance that I can recall of chocolate-y goodness bringing me joy was when I was having a rather crappy day. Though, this bit of comfort might have been more due to who I got the cocoa from than the drink itself. So, crappy day, and I decided to go to a local coffee shop (Kaladi Brothers, if anyone was wondering.) Either it was very obvious I was down in the dumps, or this guy was a psychic. I ordered my hot chocolate with whipped cream.

"Would you like sprinkles on that? They're rainbow."

Did he even have to ask? Up to this point, I didn't know that Kaladi's even had sprinkles. To say the least, I was excited (I fucking love sprinkles.) So, while making my drink, he chatted with me (and yes, we talked about nerdy stuff, because we're cool like that.) Then, he gave me my drink, topped with a mountain of whipped cream, adorned with rainbow sprinkles. It was amazing.

So, now I am sitting in a restaurant, after a particularly frustrating day at work, writing, and getting ready to go out to karaoke with a friend. By my side is a mostly consumed cup of delicious hot chocolate. Life seems just a little bit sweeter right now.


  1. I grew up in a pretty warm area and never saw snow until I was over 5 years old, but we drank hot chocolate anyway x)

  2. I miss drinking hot chocolate with you & watching the snow fall. We can do that at Christmas, ok? With coconut or hemp milk though :)
