Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random Tuesday

So, my momma recently sent me a link to Yarn Harlot's blog. Stephanie (the author of said blog) does this cool think called Random Mondays, where she just posts some random thoughts, so as to be able to blog, without having to have coherent structure. I think its quite refreshing, and an awesome way to have a quick, creative little blog. So I am thieving it (lets pretend thieving is a word. Wait, is it actually a word?), so here are some random little thoughts and ideas.

1. I fucking hate some drivers in Las Vegas. Try looking where you're going every once in a while.

1b. On the topic of shitty drivers, don't be an asshole.

2. I have a dog who only has one eye. He used to have 2, but he had glaucoma, so one had to be removed. I'm thinking the lack of eye actually makes him cuter (if its possible for Nacho to be any cuter). I also made a video about it.

3. I'm not a vegetarian, nor do I have any intention of becoming one, but I absolutely love vegetarian food. I had a veggie sandwich earlier, and it was absolutely divine.

4. I randomly decided to wear shorts today. I never wear shorts. This decision made me notice a bruise on my calf. I still have no idea how I got it. Stupid anemia.

5. I still think its a little bit funny that I'm an anemic insomniac. Its not a fun condition, but I think its amusing to say.


  1. yup pretty random lol
    good video :) my mom was passing by and thought your dog was cute.

  2. That is an awful lot of booze behind you, me thinks you have some splainin' to do young lady :)

    Sorry about the anemia thing, I think you got that from me. You are still beautiful though!

  3. And I wouldn't say stealing ... more like borrowing ... or gathering inspiration from.
    Anemic insomniac? *hugs*
